Colossians 1:3-8 | Paul's Thankfulness
Paul’s thanksgiving prayer lays the groundwork for the rest of the letter by giving his readers a preview of the key themes of the letter. He wants the Colossians to know that he is in consistent prayer for them. This idea of consistent prayer is expressed differently depending on the translation used: “praying always for you” (KJV and NASB), “when we pray for you” (NIV and ESV). It should be noted that Paul does not mean that he is in prayer for the Colossians every moment of every day, but that he consistently prays for them. In other words, when Paul offers up his daily prayers, he always included a prayer for the Colossians. There are several reasons given for Paul’s thankfulness of the Colossian Church: faith, love, hope, and the reproducing nature of their faith in Christ.